Overhead Strength
5x5 Overhead Squat @ 65%
A note on overhead squats; external rotation is not the answer. You don't want to let the shoulders collapse inward, but a properly braced shoulder will have a slight internal rotation in most people. Every person will, in fact, have a slightly different best position for proper bracing. If you're not sure how to fine tune your overhead position, ask a coach.
Here's a video explaining why you might want to not externally rotate; why each person is different; and why many CrossFit gyms teach external rotation anyway (for safety when you have to coach large groups and can't pay individual attention to each person).
Work Capacity
2 Rounds:
8 Power Snatches (175/125)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
Directly into...
2 Rounds:
8 Power Snatches (155/105)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
Directly into...
2 Rounds:
8 Power Snatches (135/95)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
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