Hey Everyone! Miss me?!?!?!
Open Prep for the 2017 Open season has begun. Workout 17.1 is on 2/23 and we are going to be ready to dominate it! In the following 7 weeks we are going to:
p.s. feel free to call/email/text me if you have any questions!
Hey Everyone! Miss me?!?!?!
Open Prep for the 2017 Open season has begun. Workout 17.1 is on 2/23 and we are going to be ready to dominate it! In the following 7 weeks we are going to:
- Overemphasize volume on all the movements of the open.
- Repeat an open workout 1x week for the first 4 or 5 weeks
- Buy In's will be pressing/pulling gymnastics or working on lifting heavy weights when our heart rate is high.
- Cash Out's will be dedicated to improving our core strength and improving your lactate threshold.
p.s. feel free to call/email/text me if you have any questions!
2-3 rds
48' spiderman lunges
24' straight leg walk
24' side lunge each way
Kipping swings
5 Sit Ups
5 Push Ups
Choose one of the following:
A. 3 sets of 5 unbroken Ring rows or Pullups
B. 4 sets of 4 unbroken Ring rows or Pullups
C. 5 sets of 3 unbroken Ring rows or Pullups
Rest as needed between sets
Choose one of the following:
A. 3 sets of 5 unbroken Ring rows or Pullups
B. 4 sets of 4 unbroken Ring rows or Pullups
C. 5 sets of 3 unbroken Ring rows or Pullups
Rest as needed between sets
RX :
Choose one of the following:
A. 3 sets of 5 unbroken c2b
B. 4 sets of 4 unbroken c2b
C. 5 sets of 3 unbroken c2b
Rest as needed between sets
A. 3 sets of 5 unbroken c2b
B. 4 sets of 4 unbroken c2b
C. 5 sets of 3 unbroken c2b
Rest as needed between sets
Choose one of the following:
A. 3 sets of 5 unbroken bar muscle-ups
B. 4 sets of 4 unbroken bar muscle-ups
C. 5 sets of 3 unbroken bar muscle-ups
Rest as needed between sets
Choose one of the following:
A. 3 sets of 5 unbroken bar muscle-ups
B. 4 sets of 4 unbroken bar muscle-ups
C. 5 sets of 3 unbroken bar muscle-ups
Rest as needed between sets
break things up to not reach failure
amrap 10 minutes of:
10 Push Presses 95/65 lbs
10 (total) Alternating Overhead Reverse Lunges 95/65 lbs
10 Burpees Over the Barbell
comp: 115/75
free: hrpu/goblet lunges/regular burpees
2 sets 20 reps (10 each leg)
OH Walking lunges
choose a weight that you can keep form
no more then 135-95
* you should be plenty warmed up for these*
OH Walking lunges
choose a weight that you can keep form
no more then 135-95
* you should be plenty warmed up for these*
triceps/hip flexors
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